no one should have to spend life in survival mode

Social Care London is Ofsted Registered, and offers comprehensive shared accommodation, with up to 24-hour onsite support to young adults aged 16+, children looked after (CLA), care leavers, and unaccompanied minors.

We can also provide respite placements & short-term emergency placements (via police protection or children’s services) if required.

what we do

We pride ourselves in building a constructive foundation that will make a positive difference in the lives of the young adults in our care; helping them develop into mature and independent young adults whom in turn will become confident, knowledgeable and make a positive contribution to the community.

what makes social care london?

A passion to wholeheartedly support young adults to not only reach the goal of independence, but to thrive in all areas of their lives, use their voice to be confident to get what they need and then stretch further to achieve their ultimate aims and dreams –
“If your dreams do not scare you, then you are not dreaming big enough”.

our people

Essential to the operation is the Youth Support Workers who directly work, day to day supporting the young adults in our services with all their everyday needs and promote their independence at every opportunity.

our impact

We pride ourselves on our daily support to young adults & understanding their emotional well-being by providing key support in all areas of education, training, and employment. Support at home helps them self-manage their environment in a positive direction.

our partners

  • Avensure
  • Positive Journeys
  • Commissioning Alliance
  • Just4KidsLaw
  • National Children’s Bureau (NCB)
  • Virtual School
  • Markel
  • Coram Voice
  • London South East Colleges (LSEC)

need help? contact our advice team

We’re a longstanding stable & secure accredited provider for 23 local authorities / councils, if you would like to refer a young person to us directly please call our advice team on 02084 028 242 / 02083 042 200 and we’ll be happy to discuss our offers which we’re confident will be able to meet the needs of any young adult requiring support.

how we help

“Every Young Person is different, Every young person is important, Every young person Matters.”

Using planned and unplanned key-work sessions, we provide targeted 1:1 support hours to guide the pathway and educational plans for every young person in an individual and personalised way.

Find Out More


We provide accommodation and support services on varying levels.

SCL supplies 24/7 services through to floating support across London and the Southeast.

See Our Spaces

what do we do differently?

All providers will claim to be the best, but what do they do differently from any other providers?

As an experienced Social Care Provider and leading expert in the field, I would suggest nothing more than any of the others. However, at Social Care London we identified that this transition is a daunting time for all young adults, so provide a specific transitions manager to assist them at this time of change and support them to settle in a focused and more relaxed way.

Find Out More

our operational services

The route to a more independent lifestyle and ultimately free from the dependence of others.

we operate 14 services (London, Kent and Southeast of England).

We currently provide 54 accommodation spaces with support placements for young adults.

95 per cent of young adults move on from Social Care London in a positive way.

building a brighter future

“We pride ourselves on our daily support to young adults & understanding their emotional well-being by providing key support in all areas.”

Colin Taylor, Founder

get involved


Please contact our Office and let them know what skills you have and what you can do to get involved!

join an event

We regularly organise community / social events including social workers & relevant parties – call the office for more details.

start fundraising

If you would like to support our great causes in some way please get in touch.


Please contact our Office and let them know what skills you have and what you can do to get involved!

join an event

We regularly organise community / social events including social workers & relevant parties – call the office for more details.

start fundraising

If you would like to support our great causes in some way please get in touch.

real stories

diversity, equality, and inclusion

Diversity, equality, and inclusion are at the core of who we are and our commitment to these areas is unwavering. They are central to our purpose and to our impact.

vision, mission & values

We aim to provide a safe, secure living environment to all YP no matter what their background or situation and support them to develop their independence skills as they transition into adulthood.

Learn More

get in touch

We can provide bespoke, individualised accommodation & support to meet the needs of every young person so please call/contact us to discuss further.

Contact Us:

East Office: 01322 332 101 | West Office: 02083 024 200

Referrals and Admissions (Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm): 07498 450 707

Out of Hours (Mon – Fri, 5pm – 9am and Weekends) : 07858 620 962


visit us, call or email us, or fill in our contact form

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who we work with